Interconnecting Devices An Interconnecting devices is a network device. It used to transfer data from one computer to other computer with the help of network devices. There are five categories of interconnecting devices are such as. Router Hubs Switches/Bridge Repeater BRouter Repeater: Now I am going to tell you the repeater is an electronic device that used to receive and send a signal. It amplifies the signal and noise. It provides transmission of the signal. HUB (Hyper User Bus): In this, it used to link several computers in the same network. It based on broadcasting, and it sends the data to all computers and repeats the signal which receives a signal from one port and copies to other port and traffic are high. Bridge / Switch: In this, we can see the interconnecting devices which can divide a single network into two or more segment are called Bridge / Switch. It has multiple ports like 2, 4, 16, and 32. The Switch main...
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